Play Overcards on the Flop - Limit Texas Holdem

Limit Texas Holdem Advanced Strategy Guide

Limit Texas Hold'em is a game that where big cards count. There will be times when all you have in your cards on the flop are two overcards. Many players draw poorly to overcards and this can be a big problem form them.

Overcards can put you in a position that you draw to a weak hand and may not grab the chips even if you hit the draw. Sometimes you draw is worth nothing and it costs you chips when this happens. When you do hit and win, it tends to not make up for the number of times you have hit and lost unless you draw only when the conditions are just right.

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round-top-largeIf you never draw to overcards, you wouldn't significantly hurt your game. But it is a marginal decision and many beginners simply do better if they fold overcards. Yet, you are not playing the best poker if you always fold overcards at the flop. The thing is, you have to k now the conditions when you should draw and when not to draw. We'll help you learn to make the right choices for the situations where you have at least six outs.

General Guidelines

It is very important that you know that, in the optimal situation, you have six outs to improve your cards after the flop has been revealed. That means you have 7-to-1 against improving your cards at the turn when drawing to a single pair. This is a weak hand and you need to have better odds most of the time for the draw.

It is almost as weak as the gut-shot straight which only has four outs but is really a ber hand to draw toward. You need to be in a situation where the pot odds are good to make drawing a good option. Plus, there should be other factors in your favor to make conditions right.

This is because:

1. You are drawing dead against sets, two pairs, and overpairs.

2. One of the outs you want can complete another player's flush or straight draw.

3. One of the outs you want might give another player a two pairs, especially if one of your overcards is an Ace. Players tend to stay in when they have an Ace as their side card.

4. One of the outs you want may give another player the exact same pair but they might have better kicer cards than you hold.

5. One of your outs might give another player a set.

6. One of your outs might give another player a straight or flush draw and they outdraw you at the river.

If you elect to draw in these situations, you must be sure you are drawing to the best hand AND that the pot is large enough to justify calling a bet. If both of these factors are met, then you call, but you will find this doesn't happen frequently.

Here are some important things to keep in mind when you are trying to decide whether to draw or not:

1. The best flops contain for overcards are rags of rainbows, such as 7-3-2 or 8-4-2

2. Connected flops, suited flops and flops with a high pair included are very dangerous, as are flops that are all high cards. Don't play these unless you have a really great draw.

3. The chances of drawing dead go down as the number of other players goes down.

4. Holding back-door flush or straight possibilities do increase your odds a little and might give you a chance at the pot if you semi-bluff and hit on the turn, but don't do this unless your draw is very b.

5. The post must be large in order for this to be worthwhile, but this doesn't happen when there are few other players. Refer to #3 above.

Limit Poker Strategy Guide:

Strategy Article 1. Limit Holdem - Flush Draws

Strategy Article 2. Limit Holdem Starting Hands

Strategy Article 3. Limit Holdem - Straight Draws

Strategy Article 4. Limit Holdem Playing Flops

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