5 Top Online Poker Tips

Some people believe there is no such thing as an online poker tell, but they are wrong! People use them every day, every time they sit down to play online. If you want to be a big winner online, you'll need to learn how to take advantage of online tells in order to increase your winnings.

The five common online tells and how to use them in online poker games will be discussed below. The five tells are: fast check, wait and bet, patterns, fast bet, and telling the hand.


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Fast Check: Perhaps the easiest online poker tell, you should want for a player that checks instantly when the action turns their way. The reason for the super-fast check is that they have used the tool that allows online players to automatically check. This means that well before the action turned their way, they were already ready to check. Chances are good you could steal the pot here with a reasonably-sized wager. Sometimes, however, really good players will use this tell against you, so be on the look out and remember who uses this reverse-tell!

Wait and Bet: This tell is usually indicatibe of a b hand is means the player is thinking about how much to wager to get the most for their money and therefore it takes a few seconds longer than normal. You have to pay close attention to pick up on th is tell, but watch how long players take on average. If they wait longer and check instead of placing a bet, they are probably bluffing, trying to make you believe their cards are ber than they really are. If that happens to be the case, you could steal the pot with a reasonable wager.

Betting Patterns: Knowing the patterns of various players is a valuable resource in any type of poker. You need to determine exactly how each player bets when holding good cards and what they do when they hold weak cards. Most players will tell you quite clearly with varying bet amounts. Let's say a player raises $40 before the flop but then only places a very small wager on the flop, this would indicate weakness. He was trying to run the opponents away. Notice how much players raise when they have aces rather than jacks in their hand.

Fast Bet: When a player bets quickly, they are frequently attempting to intimidate you. This tell is used in an effort to get other players to fold. It is taken as a sign of strength by other players because it scares them, but it is often simply a bluff.

Telling You Their Hand: When a player tells their hand, it is a really strange type of tell. It is only common sense to realize that when a player tells you about his hand without your having asked, the facts he gives are FALSE! Why would a player tell you what is in his or her hand unless he or she were giving false information in hopes you would bet more or fold. The other player just wants to rent space in your head to make you wager so they will win more.

Most b poker player just don't care if they exhibit tells. Other players are just not aware they are displaying tells at all. The thing you want to note about online tells is that they are not 100% perfect and will not work in every situation every single time. But, you can pick up a lot of information by watching for common tells and using that to help you choose your action.

Texas Holdem Poker Strategy Guide:

Strategy Article 1. NL Holdem Short Handed Sets

Strategy Article 2. Limit Holdem Playing Flops

Strategy Article 3. Poker Pot Odds

Strategy Article 4. Multi-Table Poker Strategy

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